He fingers and stirs further into my asshole, I just can't help it anymore - I shit a first greasy sausage in his hand - which he then puts on my shaved pubes and immediately fingers further into my asshole - again this time I have to poop and again he puts the poop directly over my cunt to immediately finger this time with 2 and 3 fingers in the peephole - of course I have to shit off even more - this time he smears my thighs with my shit and now I have 4 fingers stuck in my asshole - again I shit in his hand and it now smears my stomach with it and my column is already dirty from my stinky shit - I still have a long way to go - now I want to shit and beg for it to go on - and after 4 fingers and another shit I get all 5 fingers in the blind hole - I still shit off and on come his whole hand stuck in the dirty shit hole and fucked my asshole with my fist while I still shit more and rubbed with my stinky shit ........