
  • Amateur: panthergodess
  • Auflösung: 1920 x1080
  • Laufzeit: 8:57 min
  • Grösse: 631.8 MB
  • Bewertung:
  • Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0
  • Video wurde 166 mal angesehen
  • Video wurde 257 mal besucht
  • Veröffentlicht:vor


Custom video: You stroke your ass through the jeans and your belly as your desire grows. Unfortunately your toilet is out of service. You lower your jeans on your knees and lean your naked butt over the toilet although you know you can't poop in it. You spread your ass several time and express your strong desire. You spread your butt, your anus opens and we can see the end of the turd. Finally, you can't hold it anymore and you sit on your bathtub edge above a bucket of water. The camera is filming from the end of the bathtub so we see you almost in profile but slightly behind. You look at the camera while shitting. Before shitting you tell to the camera : "I am going to share a very intimate moment. You must feel lucky to watch me. You must make your cock real hard for what comes next." You poop with slightly exagerated effort and relieve noises and facial expressions. You wipe your ass carefully after.
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