More Blogs of AngelWicky - page 3

Why I want to be just erotic star? Because I want to show everybody that erotic is not only nudity, sex and porn. I want to show how beautiful it is erotic when you connect with art. The erotic photo modeling working with colors, materials, lights, styles and nudity female body as a means of expression of art. I want to celebrate the female beauty such as it is, with all shapes and charms. You are to deliver to them a beautiful visage, clothes, jewelry, accessories and let rise sensual work. Beautiful make-up and clothes can transform a woman and give her countless faces. And I have to admit that I'm bisexual and I love women. I want to be different and emphasized that women who we see ***ay on television, on posters, etc. should not be just clothes hangers and lean on which are visible bones.

Me and Bravo Models Media working on creating my first promo-pack, which will consist of examples of my work, photos, videos, DVDs, calendars, business cards and promotional materials such as shirts, pens, lighters, boxes of chocolates, screen savers and wallpapers the computer. We take pictures of luxury latex, lace and leather lingerie and clothing at the beautiful castles and apartments. I work in erotic chat Live Jasmin. All my fans and peaple which want to see me, talk with me, have some fun are welcome! We are also preparing a project on a rotating series Markquise de Blood, where I play a major role. I am beautiful, rich marquise on the castle by day and bad monstrum which **** and kill peaple at night.

When you’re lying on the hard hospital bed, you hear a drip in fusion, clicking of heels on the shoes of doctors, beeping devices that monitor and you see those white walls and ceiling, you feel completely empty and you are crying. I was desperate. My family, school, friends, health, everything was very bad, I had nothing. Resignation, fear, pain. My tears flowed from my eyes. And suddenly I had a visa, a beautiful angel with blue eyes, long blond hair, white dress and a smile on his face. From him radiated warmth, peace, hope and happiness. He spoke to me a sweet calm voice. He talked about what I experienced what was happening with me and what I am going through. He talked about my gift, dedication and a dream. He talked about what I can achieve, if I have a strong and go for it what I want when I start to live again and live my heart. Had talked about dance, music, theater, photography and how I must not give up. He gave me new hope and strength to buck up and fight. The strength to stand up to everything and everyone

At the hospital, doctors got me out of the worst problems, and they they stabilized me. But several months later I was in danger of life, I arrived to the hospital for infusion, checks for ****s and I was still under observation. One day, when my doctor said that I need antibiotics again, I told her not. I no longer want to experience the carousel again. I do not want to be just the attempts of doctors and not want to wait and see what happens. Always helped me to homeopathy and herbs, so I started to even more interested in alternative types of healing and I bumped into Chinese medicine. Her help, I started to stabilize, treat and I was better. And I know it will be a long journey, but one day I will be able to live normally.

Also, I decided to run away from home and not to further hurt and manipulate them. I I started again from scratch in another city and utterly alone. I visited a lot of photo-modeling agencies and I began my work as a cover girl. And one day I came to the agency Bravo Models Media and everything c******. I saw a completely different approach, thinking, work style and options. I got a chance to pursue photography professionally, with all my heart. Build a new life, friends, career and be erotic star. Be happy, do things that satisfy me, to live fully, to blow off steam, to show everyone what is in me, what is my gift, my dream. Photography and exhibitionism is circulating in my blood, I have it engraved under the skin, it’s my life, I love it and will do everything it can to be the best! I want to surprise everyone, showed them what I can. I want to incise into the mind like a girl who fell into hell, which was herself, had nothing, but got up and went to the dream, which she fulfilled. I will be erotic star!

My name is Angel Wicky and my life began the day, when I started working as an erotic model. My life was no fairy tale in which you look pink glasses, not soft as cotton candy and sweet as marzipan. I went through the hell that was full of painful things like calibrating hot iron, and situations that threw me into this hell. I was all alone and I had to get out of it without help anyone else. It all started not wanting pregnancy my mother, abortion attempts, escapes after my birth and end escape in my *****hood. They were sharp unpleasant relationships in our family and at school. Bullying, being, bullying, ridicule, restriction and planning my life around and pushing out my company. I did not have my freedom in decision making and in my own thinking. They suppress my personality and the right to identity. I had planned what I’ll do what I will study, what are my interests, how and where I will live, with whom I will and will not associate with whom I can be friends, what will my career where I go and if I can be married and when. The nastiest thing happened. They stood me in my role as dolls to play with which everyone can do what he wants … because I am just the thing

I love music, dance, theater, art, photography, performances and demonstrations before an audience itself from my five years. Ithelped me relax, think of other things and forget all evil. I love to feel the energy, enthusiasm, happiness, admiration and success.I love the positive feelings, shrubs radiating from people around me during my performance. I was am happy when I feel that someone understands and supports me. I had support, understanding and feeling as if they belongin an art school and art. I gave everyone drove, I’m not just a toy that I have someone I can do something, something in excel and achieve something.

Another problem was my health. I’ve never been a healthy, strong ***** full of flavor and zest to life. Bothered me a lot of unexplained health problems, for which I was often in hospital for infusions, the antibiotics, I took ****s, I tried herbs and homeopathics. Then I was better. My problems stopped for a while, and I thought that I would be fine and healthy. And then as a blow struck all over again. Further examination at the hospital, the next infusion, diets, medications. The period of improvement and collapse, collapseand improvement. Eventually I got into a gradual state of immune system failure and worsening of health problems, chronic recurrence of disease, fainting, and inability to live normally. I ended up with a total failure of the organism in the hospital. Doctors are worried about me, if not die, it was very bad. I collapsed immunity and bodies and I was still thinner. During two weeks I went through an infinite number of very unpleasant and complete examination of all parts of my body and doctors tried to figure out what to me.

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